ACACIA (BABOOL, KEEKAR) : used as emollient and as astringent for colds, diarrhoea, haemorrhage and opthalmia. It is supposed to provide some protection against bronchitis and rheumatism.

ACACIA (BABOOL, KEEKAR) : used as emollient and as astringent for colds, diarrhoea, haemorrhage and opthalmia. It is supposed to provide some protection against bronchitis and rheumatism.

ACACIA : COMMON NAMES : Acacia (Eng.,Lat.,Fr.) Talha, Saiyyal, Sunt, Funtah, Shok al-Ban (Atab.) Akakia(Ger.) Incha Maram (Mal.) ...
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 CEDAR (BER) - heal wounds and syphilitic ulcers; good in liver complaints, stomatitis and bleeding gums; cure asthma.

CEDAR (BER) - heal wounds and syphilitic ulcers; good in liver complaints, stomatitis and bleeding gums; cure asthma.

 CEDAR OR LOTE - TREE :   (Jujube or Ziziphus) COMMON NAMES : Cedar (Eng.) Cedre (Fr.) Zeder (Ger.) Cedrus (Lat...
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