MANN - Turanjbin (Tamrix manifera (L)) : leaves is used to treat rheumatism, flowers are good for Piles

Tamarix mannifera (L)

Unani Name   : Turanjbin, Gazanjbin

Manna (Eng., Gr., It.)
Manna (Russ.)
Man (Heb.)
Turanjebin, Kazanjbin (Arab.)
Turanjibin, Gazanjbin (Pers.)
Kshri (Hindi)
Mena (Tam., Tel.)
Manna (Mal.)
Gazanjbin, Turabjbin (Urdu)

BOTANICAL NAMES : Alhagi maurorium Medic
                                          (Family : Leguminosae)
         Tamarix mannifera (Ehrenb.) Bunge
         (Family : Tamaricaceae)


Although the meaning of Mann in Arabic is 'favour or reward', yet in general usage it means a saccharine food which God provided to the children of Israel when they wandering in the Sinai desert after their exile from Egypt. However several plants have been identified whose sugary secretion is called Mann. Mann is described as something like the Honey-Dew found deposited on leaves of certain trees and collected early in the morning.Abu Rehan Mohammad Ibn Albairuni (973 A.D. - 1050 A.D.) was probably the first person to indicate that the Turanjabin obtained from the Plant known as "Al-Haj" in Arabic, was the real Mann of the Qur'an. He also repoted that some tiny insects living on certain plants were responsible for producing Mann. The word Turanjabin is the Arabianised form of the Persian word "Tar-Angbin". (Tar means fresh and Angbin means honey).

After Albairuni, for several centuries, not much progress was made to identify the plants and plant products of Middle East. It was only in 1822 A.D. that J.L. Burckhard, the author of famous book 'Travels in Syria and Holy Land', stated that insects found on certain trees of Palestine and Syria were responsible for the production of a sweet gum. According to Burckhand, who was also known as Shaik Barkat in Egypt, These insects punchured the bank of the host plant through which a liquid oozed out during the intense heat of the sunny day and hardened into the form of a gum during the cool nights. Ehrenberg and Hemprich, published a report of their survey in 1829 and identified the Manna producing insect as Coccus manniparus. They had observed the production of Manna by these insects on Sinai trees which they identified as Tamarix.

On the basis of scientific investigations carried out till now, it may be started that the 'Mann' referd to in the Qur'an was in fact obtained from two diffrent types of plants. One was the plant known as Al-Haj or 'aqul in Arabic and botanically identified as Alhagi maurorium. It is a Thorny shrub and is a good fodder for camel, and, therefore, called Shoukal al-Jamal. In Persian it is known as Khare-Shutr. it does not normally grow beyond three feet in height but has very long roots, sometimes reaching fifteen to twenty feet deep in the ground. 

Besides Sinai, Syria and other Arab countries. A Maurorium is found in Iran, Pakistan and India, mainly on alkaline soils. At present Iran is the source of Mann called Turanjbin from this plant. In India, it is known as Jawasa, but the presence of Mann has never been reported from any where in the country, the reason being the absence of the insects responsible for the production of Mann. 

Mann from Alhagi maurorium and Tamarix mannifera named Turanjbin and Gazanjbin respectively, are still traded in many parts of the word. Since sugars from sugarcane and sugarbeet have been introduced throughout the world as the main sweetening agent, the use of sweet 'Mann' is now restricted to medicine only. Turanjbin is mostly suplied from the khorasan area of Iran whereas the Tamarix Mann (Gazanjbin) is still being collected in some northern parts of Africa. The sweetness of these Mann is due to sugars alcohols presents in them.It has nutritional value as well as medicinal properties.

According to one hadees the Massanger of Allah said " Truffles are like Manna (i.e., they grow naturally without man's care) and their water heals eye diseases".

However the medicinal properties of the Mann obtained from these plants are being below. description and medicinal properties of Al hagi mourorium Medic are also being recorded. 

Medical Uses :

The honey like secretion which comes out of the thorny bush called Alhagi mourorium Medic., is called  turanjabin by Unani physicians. They considered this is "Mann" which is mentioned in the Qur'an. Ayurvedic literature it is mentioned as the secretion of Javas (Alhagi mourorium Medic.)

The uses of Mann treating in Unani and Ayurvedic Methodology.

Unani :

Actions : Anti-inflammatory, laxative, Chologogue, Aphrodisiac, Brain tonic, aperient and relies excessive thirst.
Uses    : Used to treat nausea, fever, excessive thirst, cough and chest pain. Good in vomiting, asthma and piles.

Actions : Anti-inflammatory, Blood purifier, aphrodisiac, 
               Ant-anxiety, ant-pyretic, diuretic and analgesic.

Uses    : Useful in the treatment of fever, cough, gout, odema,
             Also used to treat hemorrhagic diseases, ericypelas and thirst.
The details the plant which is commonly considered as the source of Mann (Turanjabin), Al haji maurorium Medic. and the uses of plant parts other than Mann are given below.

Al Haji Mouroriun Medic

Botanical Description : A spiny shrub about 60 cm in height, with copious hard sharp spines, leaves simple, coriaceous, arising from the base of spine, oblong, obtuse, 1.3 to 3.3 cm long. Flowers 5-8 on a spine, pedicles short and slender. Calyx. Ovary glabrous. Pods 2.5 to 4 cm long, more or less contracted between the seeds. The seeds blackish brown in colour, smooth and polished.

Parts Used : Whole plant, flowers, leaves and twigs.

Medical properties : 

Plant - Bitter and acrid with a distinct flavour; antipyretic, laxative, diuretic; digestible, refrigerant, tonic alexiteric, maturant, aperient and attenuate. Removes excess fat, cures leprosy, skin diseases, brain affections, bronchitis, good for piles, opacities of the cornea and hemicrania.  Useful in epistaxis; allays thirst and improves appetite.

Leaf - Oil from the leaves is used to treat rheumatism.

Flowers - Are good for piles.

Twigs - Decoction is used in the treatment of cough in children.

Note : The information given is meant for educational purpose only

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About G A Moinuddin

Ahmed Moinuddin retired from his position as HR Manager in a top Indian Public Sector Organization. He holds Masters in Sciences and has versatile experience in managing people and departments. His passion is to share knowledge from the bucket of experiences he had over these years at personal and professional front.
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