BARLEY (Hordeum vulgare Linn.) : Is affected Urinary System, useful in bronchitis, headache, body cooling

Barley is affected Urinary System, useful in bronchitis, headache, body cooling

Hordeum vulgare Linn.

Family : Graminae

The common name of Hindi and Urdu is 'Barley'.
Unani names are Jau, Sattu and Yava.
Arabic common name is 'Shair'.

About Grain.

The hole grain cereals are an important source of B - Vitamins which are found in outer bran. Removal of bran or polishing of grain reduces b- vitamin content. The cereals are deficient in vitamin A or vitamin C. Maize and sum varieties of sorghum contain small amounts of b-carotene. Minerals like Ca (Calcium) and Fe (Ferrous i.e., Iron) are also found in cereals but not in adequate quantities.

According to NIN (National Institute of Nutrition) the total fat content (bound pulse free) in cereals vary 2 t0 5% per 100 gm. Adequate consumption of cereals can easily meet more than 50% of our daily essential fatty acid (EFA) requirement. If they are taken with pulses they can nearly meet the EFA requirement of an adult.

The grain which includes cereals and millets plays an important role in nutrition especially in developing countries where they form a major portion of the diet of the masses. Rice , wheat, Sorghum (Jowar) etc., are the major cereals that are consumed. Being a cheap and widely available source of energy their contribution to energy intake is highest among people of low income group. Cereals are also a source of several other nutrient like protein, iron and B-complex vitamins. The whole grain comprises of endosperm which is a rich store of starch.

Embryo (the grain) comprising about 3% of the seed is rich in protein,fats and vitamins. Barn (seed coat) contains most of the vitamins and many of minerals. With about 80% carbohydrates, seeds are like tubers providing excellent fuel for daily activity.

The mutual supplementation between cereals and pulses improves the overall quality and quantity of protein content.

About Barley :

Barley, a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain. It was one of the first cultivated grains and is now grown widely. Barley grain is a staple in Tibetan cuisine and was eaten widely by peasants in Medieval Europe.

Barley contains four classes of proteins

1- Albumin, 2- Globulin, 3- protamin (horden) 4- Glitalin (hordenin)

Free amino acids and protein intermediates are also present.

System affected : Urinary system

Specific Action : Assists in the recovery during convalescence, a good demulcent in affection of mucous membrane.

Medical description  

1. Barley is tasteless and is used for body cooling, allies thirst, lower the pulse rate.
2. Barley is useful in bronchitis, headache, inflamed gums, biliousness.
3. Fevers and pain in the chest.
4. The grain and seed are of good nutritional value.
5. The grains and the dried threshed husk of barley are used as the source of malt extract. This is more nutritious than the un-malted barley.
6. Straw of the dried ripe barley is considered as a good fodder.

Botanical Description

An annual herb, erect up to 50- 100 cm high.
Leaves are flaccid, linear, acuminate.
Spike 20 - 30 cm long and 8-10 mm broad, flattened with brittled axis; lateral spike-lets staminate; perfect in middle, sessile; glum e lanceolate at the base.

Nutritive Value

Proteins               : 11.5 gm
Fat                       :  1.3 gm
Minerals              :  1.2 gm
Crude Fibre         :  3.9 gm
Carbohydrates     :69.6 gm
Iron                     : 1.67 gm
Calcium              : 26.0 gm
Phosphorus         :215.0 gm

Values are per 100 gm of edible portion.
Source : Nutritive Vale of Indian Foods
        National Institute of Nutrition, ICMR, Hyderabad, TG State, India.

Note:The information given is meant for educational purpose only.

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About G A Moinuddin

Ahmed Moinuddin retired from his position as HR Manager in a top Indian Public Sector Organization. He holds Masters in Sciences and has versatile experience in managing people and departments. His passion is to share knowledge from the bucket of experiences he had over these years at personal and professional front.
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