ACACIA (BABOOL, KEEKAR) : used as emollient and as astringent for colds, diarrhoea, haemorrhage and opthalmia. It is supposed to provide some protection against bronchitis and rheumatism.



Acacia (Eng.,Lat.,Fr.)
Talha, Saiyyal, Sunt, Funtah, Shok al-Ban (Atab.)
Incha Maram (Mal.)
Kikar, Babul (Hindi, Urdu)


Acacia species
(Family : Leguminosae)

PARTS USED : Bark, Gum and Wood

SYSTEM AFFECTED : Digestive and circulatory.

SPECIFIC ACTION : Astringent and anti-diarrhoeal

Botanical Description

A small tree with dark brown or black fissured bark; branch-lets slender, pubescentwhen young, leaves 2-pinnate; petioles 2.5 - 5 cm long, leaflets sub sessile, 10 - 25 pairs, Flowers yellow in globose heads; peduncles axillary. Calyx camanulate 1.2 long. Corolla 3 mm long; lobes short and trianglar. Seeds 8-12


Plant is astringent.

Bark - Decoction is used as a remedy for dysentery and blennorrhagia; helpful in the treatment of diarrhoea and haemorrhage; used as an emollient.

Gum - used as emollient and as astringent for colds, diarrhoea, haemorrhage and opthalmia. It is supposed to provide some protection against bronchitis and rheumatism.

Wood - used as fumigant for rheumatic pains and to protect puerperal mothers from colds and fevers.


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About G A Moinuddin

Ahmed Moinuddin retired from his position as HR Manager in a top Indian Public Sector Organization. He holds Masters in Sciences and has versatile experience in managing people and departments. His passion is to share knowledge from the bucket of experiences he had over these years at personal and professional front.
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